Candice Brunlinger, Herbalist

we get into herbal support it is important to note why digestive health is so
important as well as healthy eating habits to support digestion. Many cultures
throughout the world have
important traditions and practices with their meals
which are not as common in the busy, fast passed lifestyle of the modern
western culture in the United States. It is common practice to rush through our
meals and not give ourselves the opportunity to relax before, during or after,
whether we are taking short lunch breaks from work, eating between classes or
running around checking off our to-do lists. This practice along with the
primary American diet of processed foods, convenient foods, heavy and fatty
foods, etc. wreak havoc on our digestive systems and can cause various symptoms
including gas, bloating, heavy feeling after meals, distended belly,
constipation, loose stool, etc.
time, this can lead to serious health issues including nutritional deficiency,
thyroid and hormonal imbalances, lack of energy, brain fog,
migraines/headaches, chronic inflammation which can trigger or aggravate
auto-immune conditions and achy bones, joints and muscles as well as various
digestive conditions such as leaky gut, food allergies/sensitivities, colitis,
crones, IBS, diabetes and more. These conditions and imbalances are very
prevalent, especially in the United States, and are caused by the “American
diet and lifestyle”.
We can
support our body, digestion and any of the conditions mentioned through a
healthy diet, by taking the time to support our digestive functions and by
incorporating digestive herbs and spices into our life.
Eating Habits
- Practice mindful eating and limit distractions (studying, watching TV, driving, walking, etc.) Sit calmly while eating and eat slowly, chewing well. Remember to “drink your food and chew your liquids”. This means you chew solid food until it becomes liquid (about 20+ chews) and chew or squish your liquids in your mouth before swallowing so your saliva and digestive enzymes can mix with your food to support digestion and assimilation of nutrients.
- Take food combining concepts into account. There are varying thoughts and theories on food combining so I recommend looking into the different approaches and experimenting to see what works well for you. How do you feel after combining different food groups? Pay attention to what your body is telling you and trust that over what the new dietary trend is. I personally believe that there is not a one diet or theory which applies to everyone. What works for some may not work for others and only you can determine that by listening to your body and how you feel after eating.
- Prepare fresh foods and eat seasonally whenever possible to follow our body’s natural rhythms. Our modern day food storage is very new compared to the evolution of humans so our digestive functions have not fully evolved to support our meals of convenience and freezer foods. If we return to eating fresh seasonal produce, local when possible, and eating according to the seasons we can return our body to its natural rhythms. (i.e. cleansing greens in spring, refreshing and light foods in summer, fall harvest foods in autumn, heavy and warming soups, stews and meats in winter, etc.)
- Eat a Rainbow!! The nutritional diversity of our food vary among the plants and its color can be an indication which nutrients it is high in or the benefits they can have on the body. (i.e. green is beneficial for cleansing and detoxing, dark berries are high in cancer fighting antioxidants, etc.) Striving to eat at least 3 colors in every meal and eating the rainbow spectrum throughout the week or day when possible, will provide a diverse and more complete source of nutrients beneficial for overall health and wellness.

- Avoid eating too late at night to avoid being full when you go to sleep. Our digestive organs detox throughout the night while we are in a deep sleep. If we do not have regular eating and sleep cycles, we prevent those organs from being able to cleanse themselves which can cause various imbalances including digestive, blood sugar and hormonal while affecting energy levels, mental clarity, food cravings, weight management and more.
- Incorporate digestive herbs and spices into food or take digestive bitters 15-20 minutes before or after meals to stimulate digestion and appetite, enhance assimilation and absorption of nutrients and reduce various digestive symptoms.
- Limit cold or frozen foods and drinks with weak or incomplete digestion and with colder weather. Avoid drinking ice beverages with meals as the cold temperature slows down digestive functions. Limit beverages to 8 ounces or less as the liquid can dilute digestive fluids and interfere with breaking down food and assimilation of nutrients. If you do drink water with meals try adding a little fresh squeezed lemon or a tiny splash of apple cider vinegar if you don’t mind the flavor, both of which stimulate and aid with digestion.
- Limit or avoid foods which cause inflammation in the body or symptoms of food sensitivity. Every person is different so try not to get caught up in the dietary trends and hypes. Keep a food journal and write down or keep track of all the food and drinks you consume. Note how you feel after meals and throughout the day, how your energy levels are, how your mood is, your sleeping patterns and your bowel movements. Note any food cravings a swell as it is interesting to see how our food craving are triggered by the foods we eat. Try eliminating common trigger foods for a couple of weeks and reintroduce it into your diet to see if it does trigger inflammation or symptoms.
- Keep in mind conditions like Candida, Leaky Gut and food allergies/sensitivities will need more than herbal support for complete healing. Integrating dietary and lifestyle changes, even if only temporarily, will significantly speed the healing, address the cause of symptoms and bring the body into balance. This may include elimination diets, increasing fermented foods, using gelatin and collagen for healing, probiotics and enzymes, etc.
Why is
Digestive Health is so Important?
Our gut
does so much more than digest, assimilate and absorb food and eliminate waste.
It communicates with our brain and is even thought to be a “second brain” which
takes over the functions of digestion so the brain in our head can focus on
other body functions, movement, conscious thought, decision making, etc.
known as the enteric nervous system, the second brain consists of sheaths of
neurons embedded in the walls of the long tube of our gut, or alimentary canal,
which measures about nine meters end to end from the esophagus to the anus. The
second brain contains some 100 million neurons, more than in either the spinal
cord or the peripheral nervous system" (1)
are some interesting facts about our gut:
- Digestive health has a strong influence on mood as approximately 95% of the body's serotonin is found in the gut.
- At least 70% of our immune system is aimed at the gut to expel and kill foreign invaders. There is a whole new field of study emerging on the Gut-Biome (or Gut Micro-biome) and studying the importance of a healthy balance in microorganisms throughout the digestive track and how they play a critical role in not only digestive health but immune resilience, energy levels and can address various chronic diseases.
- The trillions of bacteria in the gut "communicate" with the nerves throughout our digestion to our central nervous system and brain which indicates the gut-biome may have a stronger influence on mood and other functions we consider to stem from the "first brain" in our head. This is commonly referred to as the "Brain-Gut Connection".
- HCL (hydrochloric acid) is produced in the stomach and helps break down our food. One of its primary functions is to create a highly acidic environment to protect the body against harmful food born illnesses including parasites.
- The whole digestive tract is almost 30 feet long, starting at the mouth and ending at the anus.
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Villi in the Small Intestine |
- The small intestine is about 22 feet or 7 meters long but contains a large surface area of approximately 2,700 feet as is has many folds and microscopic "fingers" called villi and microvilli. (2) This is where the nutrients of our food are absorbed and assimilated into our body via the blood stream. If there are digestive imbalances, inflammation or damage to the lining of the intestine, the villi freeze up and do not absorb the nutrients of our food. This is what inspired the new version of the phrase "you are what you eat" to "you are what you digest, assimilate and absorb".
- Our bodies produce at least 1 liter or more of saliva a day which plays an important role in breaking down our food, especially carbohydrates. (2)
are what you
Digest, Assimilate & Absorb"
for Digestion
herbs are helpful for acid reflex and can be more beneficial than
over-the-counter anti-acids as they bring the digestion into balance to address
the cause without creating a dependence on their use.
examples of plant based anti-acids include Aloe Juice, Anise, Calendula, Dill,
Fennel, Licorice, Marshmallow, Meadowsweet, Mints, Plantain, Slippery Elm. Try
any of those herbs as a tea infusion or chew on the spices or a digestive chew
blend (recipe below) and feel the acid reflex slowly subside.
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Peppermint Tea |
herbs can help subside feelings of nausea and even help reduce vomiting, dry
heaving and gagging. Some examples of anti-nausea herbs and remedies include
Angelica, Blackberry Leaf, Curing Pills (A Chinese Herbal Tea Pill Formula),
Fennel, Ginger, Lemon, Licorice, Lime, Marshmallow root, Peach Leaf,
Peppermint, Red Raspberry Leaf, Rooibos, Roses, Oxeye Daisy, Spearmint.
herbs are best when prepared as a tea infusion and drank as needed or daily to
prevent feelings of nausea. Or try breathing in the scent of mints, ginger,
anise, dill or fennel which are also known to aid digestion through their
aromatic oils. For a quick, convenient remedy, chew on some digestive chew
(recipe below) or candied ginger. Or make your own ginger syrup (recipe below)
and try its recommended uses.
herbs and foods have a long tradition being used culinary and medicinally and
are an important part of the diet and cuisine all of the world. The “American
Diet” has lost the appreciation for the Bitter flavor with the exception of coffee
(although, many dilute the bitter benefits with sweeteners and flavoring);
however, we are starting to see a trend and bitters are growing in popularity,
especially in the cocktail industry.
is a common saying in the herbal community, “Bitter is Better” and it refers to
the important and crucial role of the bitter taste to support digestion and
health. Bitter herbs, beverages and food stimulate digestive functions and
fluids to break down and assimilate nutrients. They help prevent or reduce
various digestive symptoms such as gas, bloating, heavy or sluggish feelings
after meals, acid reflex, etc. They freshen the breath and over time can help
reduce food cravings and help with blood sugar maintenance.
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Dandelions |
examples of bitter herbs include Artichoke leaf (strong), Burdock root, Cacao,
Carob, Catnip, Chamomile, Chicory,
Coffee, Dandelion root, leaves and flowers, Gentian (strong), Lavender, Mugwort,
Oregon Grape root, Saffron, Turmeric, Vervain
examples of bitter foods and greens include Arugula, Beets & Beet greens,
Bitter Melon, Chard, Chocolate (Dark), Collards, Dandelion greens, Jerusalem
Artichokes, Kale, Mustard greens, Nettle greens
incorporating as many bitter tasting foods, herbs and spices into your diet.
Start taking a bitter extract made with alcohol or apple cider vinegar before
or after meals. Incorporate other herbal preparations such as bitter liquors,
turmeric ghee, golden milk, bitter herbal teas, etc. If you drink coffee, try it without
sweeteners (you can gradually reduce the amount of sweetener over time to
slowly allow your taste buds to acclimate, if needed).
If you
have an aversion to the bitter taste, just be patient and give it 1-3 weeks.
When you wake up those bitter taste receptors located all throughout the body,
you will start to appreciate, love and even crave the taste. Then overtime as
you notice the healing and balancing benefits you will have an even more appreciation
for the bitter flavor.
is Better"

herbs have varying degrees of temperature in the way the affect the body. Some
are more stimulating with a warming or heating energy which enhances
circulation and warms digestion and the body. These herbs would be most
appropriate for those who tend to run cold, might have slow circulation (get
tingly limbs) and feel like they have a very sluggish and weak digestion. These
spices are also great to warm up foods with a cold energy such as smoothies,
raw foods, salads, iced beverages, etc. to facilitate their digestion. Others
carminative herbs are more neutral and cooling and are beneficial for those who
tend to run hot, have night sweats, are easily reactive, hot tempered, get
flushed skin, etc.
- Warming Carminatives: Asafoetida, Basil, Black Pepper, Cayenne and other Chili Peppers, Cinnamon, Cloves, Garlic, Ginger, Marjoram, Mustard Seeds, Nutmeg, Onion, Oregano, Paprika, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Tulsi Basil, Turmeric
- Neutral-Cooling Carminatives: Anise, Cardamom, Cilantro, Coriander, Cumin, Dill, Fennel, Lemon, Lime, Peppermint, Spearmint
as many of these spices into your meals as you can, chew on them or make herbal
tea preparations to drink before, during or after your meals. These spices are
also delicious in vinegar infusions and taken by the spoonful or used in
dressing and marinade recipes, splashed into stir fries and sautéed food.
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Ginger |
herbs help relax any spasms throughout the digestive track and sooth intestinal
and stomach cramps. They also tend to
help spasms and cramps in other organs such as the gall bladder and uterus.
examples of digestive anti-spasmodic herbs include Black Haw, Cannabis
(Medical), Cramp bark, Ginger, Peppermint, Silk Tassel, Wild Yam, Valerian.
Ginger and peppermint both make great teas but the other herbs are not as
pleasant tasting so they are generally preferred as a tincture, syrup or
supplement. Try the ginger syrup recipe below and add other antispasmodic herbs
if desired.
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Marshmallow root |
mucilaginous herbs produce a thick, viscus texture which moisturize, sooth,
coat and protect the entire digestive tract and are beneficial for healing
damaged tissues, reducing inflammation, protecting the lining of the stomach
and intestines from harm and cooling heat or digestive symptoms aggravated by
spicy foods. These herbs are beneficial for the healing and support of stomach
ulcers, lesions, recovery from digestive surgeries and are even showing to help
protect against the damage of radiation and chemo treatments which tend to
negatively affect digestion. The lubricating nature of these herbs can help
with constipation especially when it is caused by dryness.
examples of demulcent herbs are Astragalus, Calendula, Chamomile, Chia,
Chickweed, Comfrey, Fennel, Flax, Licorice, Marshmallow, Milky Oat Tops,
Oatstraw, Oatmeal/Oat Flour, Plantain, Slippery Elm, Shatavari and all
the seaweeds and astragalus into your diet and if you eat meat and have access
to grass fed and organic meat bones, you can make herbal bone broths to receive
natural gelatin and collagen which have a demulcent effect and other healing
benefits for digestion.
most of the herbs are best and most effective when prepared as a tea as the
mucilage from the plants is water soluble. The roots and seaweeds will yield
high mucilage when simmered on the stove or try long steeps (up to 8 hours) any
of these herbs. The longer they infuse, the more the mucilaginous they get.
Overnight cold preparations also yield a nice thick and viscous consistency. If
you do not drink tea, try a good quality herbal capsule and take in between
meals with plenty of water.
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Chamomile Tea |
nervines are herbs which have a calming or sedating effect throughout the body
and specifically address digestion. Many of these herbs have a bitter flavor
which is one of their indicators that they support the digestive organs. Since
these herbs are calming they tend to help situations when stress and anxiety
affect appetite, food habits and overall digestion. They relax the body and
bring us out of adrenal mode or survival mode where we are revved up and on the
go. This is important especially for those who do not or have a hard time
sitting down to relax for their meals. Proper digestion and assimilation of
nutrients happen when our digestive organs are relaxed and when we have blood
flow concentrated in our core. If we are not relaxed or have stress and anxiety
with our meals our blood flow is in our limbs in survival mode in preparation
for the flight-or-fight response.
these calming herbs before or after meals, even in very small doses can be very
supportive for these situations. Some of these herbs are more mild and taste
great as a tea while other herbs can be strong and sedating and tend to not
taste very good. Those herbs are generally preferred to use in a tincture
extract or syrup preparation so you can easily find the right dose for yourself
which gently calms the body without overly sedating. Start by taking 5-10 drops
and slowly increase dose by 5 drop increments to determine what dose gives you
your desired effect to support your digestion.
examples of nervine herbs which have a calming benefit for digestion include
California Poppy, Cannabis (Medical), Catnip, Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon Balm,
Linden, Oatstraw, Rose, Skullcap, Vervain, Valerian
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Turmeric Root |
for liver support and detoxing would be a whole other post in itself but I
wanted to highlight the overlap with digestive and liver supporting herbs. Many
of the bitter and carminative herbs which stimulate digestive functions also
stimulate the liver and gallbladder, enhance bile flow and help with overall
detoxing or housekeeping throughout the body to cleanse and clear out toxins.
examples of liver supporting herbs include: Artichoke leaf, Buplerum, Burdock
root, Chicory, Dandelion root, Dong Quai, Fennel, Ginger, Licorice, Milk
Thistle, Orange peel, Oregon grape root, Sarsaparilla, Turmeric, etc. Lemon
juice and Apple Cider Vinegar can also very beneficial. Any medicinal or edible
plant with a bitter flavor is going to support and stimulate the liver. Use
these herbs in food when possible, in herbal bitter extracts, bitter cocktails
and liquors, in tea and syrup preparations, or use a high quality herbal
laxative herbs have varying ways of supporting and stimulating bowel movements
so choose the herbs which have the action(s) you need to regulate bowels and
ease constipation. Keep in mind many cases of constipation can be remedied when
addressing stress and diet, both of which have a significant influence on bowel
- Moisture Increasing: The demulcent herbs mentioned above fit into this category and help by providing moisture throughout the intestines so food and waste can move more easily. Moisture enhancing laxative herbs and foods include: Aloe Vera Juice, Fennel, Flax, Licorice, Marshmallow, Slippery Elm, Seaweeds, Magnesium/Salts, Ghee in warm milk, and diet rich in healthy fats (butter, oils, omega rich fish, etc.)
- Bulk Increasing: These herbs and foods use fiber to help with water regulation in the bowels and help bulk up the stool for nice firm, healthy movements. It is important to drink plenty of water as the fiber can cause blockages. Bulk increasing laxatives include: Fruit (especially dried fruit and Prunes), Chia, Flax, Psyllium, Triphala and a fiber-rich diet.
- Peristalsis Enhancing: These herbs stimulate the contracting and squeezing motions of the colon to move stool through the bowels and aid with elimination. Use Caution as some of these herbs, like cascara sagrada, can create a dependency so start with the more mild and gentle herbs. If you need something stronger then work with them for short periods of time, usually 3 days, followed by 3-5 days off. Some of these herbs can cause painful cramping so use them along with carminative herbs. Examples of peristalsis enhancing herbs include Aloe powder or food grade Aloe Juice (moderate), Cascara sagrada (strong), Senna (moderate), Yellow Dock (most gentle), etc. Castor Oil is an old traditional remedy but it is very strong and can be toxic depending on the dose. Try it topically instead of ingesting it by gently warming the oil and doing a lower belly massage in a clockwise motion. Use a hexane free, organic source.
As you
can see, there are many herbal actions to support digestion and numerous herbs
to choose from. Many of the herbs have multiple ways of addressing digestive
imbalances and since many of them are spices and have a pleasant taste and
aroma, they can be delicious and fun to use. Many of the herbs are strong in
nature and effects so a little goes a long way. Over time, the more you use
them, the more benefits you will feel in your digestion along with improved
energy, clarity, immune resistance, mood and more.
Recipes to Support Digestion
Make a
tea from any of the herbs mentioned. Some popular teas include mints, ginger,
chai blends, chamomile, lemon balm, rose, red raspberry leaf, rooibos, fennel,
anise, licorice, marshmallow root, calendula, linden and more. You can brew a
tea using just a single herb by itself or combine a few different herbs of your
choice to make a delicious and beneficial digestive tea.
2 cups
of sliced fresh ginger root
2 cups
of filtered water
to taste (approximately 1 cup)
of lemon or more to taste (optional)
ginger root and water in a sauce pan, cover and heat to a boil. Reduce heat and
simmer on low for 10-20 minutes. Turn off heat and allow it to sit for 1-2
hours. Strain out the roots and return the ginger tea to the stove. Gently
re-heat it just until warm and lightly steaming. Stir in your honey and a
splash of lemon and mix well. Pour into a bottle and store in the fridge for
1-2 months.
the syrup by the spoonful as needed or as a preventative before meals. Add a
splash to hot water for an instant cup of ginger honey tea or in any tea blend
for added flavor and benefits. Make your own ginger ale by adding 1-2 ounces of
ginger syrup into sparkling water.
root can be used if fresh is not available but keep in mind dried ginger is
more heating in nature so use significantly less root. I would maybe try 1/3 of
the proportion but I have only made ginger syrup using the fresh as I have
consistent access to it.
2 parts
diced candied ginger
1 part
fennel, cumin
½ part
This is
a classic blend for a little digestive boost after eating a heavy meal. You
will often see some variance of this recipe served in a little bowl by the
register or on the tables at Indian restaurants. Simply take a pinch and chew
before, during or after meals. I like to keep a small tin or lip balm container
of the chew in my purse so I can freshen my breath and support digestion while
on the go. I think the traditional recipe is closer to equal parts of all the
herbs but I personally like to have extra ginger and a little less anise. You
can also try other spices such as tossing the herbs in a small amount of
cinnamon powder or try some caraway, cardamom, coriander or dill.
Acetum or Tincture
Fill a
jar ½ full with your bitter herbs of choice and favorite carminative spices for
added benefits and flavor. Some recipes include adding some apple, pear or
orange to help enhance the flavor and take the edge off the bitter taste but
that is optional and we want to be sure to maintain a true bitter flavor, if
possible. Fill the jar with either apple cider vinegar or an alcohol such as
vodka, rum or everclear. Stir the herbs well until they are free flowing and
all air bubbles are released. Make sure there is at least 1 inch of extra
liquid once the herbs settle. Cover and shake daily if possible.
using vinegar, allow the herbs to infuse for 2-4 weeks. If using alcohol you
can infuse it for 4-6 weeks. Strain out the herbs and bottle up your extract
and enjoy the amazing benefits of your bitters before meals. Take as little as
a few drops or sprays of the tincture directly on the tongue or up to 1 mil for
a strong medicinal dose. Take anywhere between ½-2 tsp of the vinegar by the
spoonful, diluted in drinks, or in your meals to facilitate digestion. I like
to use it in my salad dressings, marinades, stir fries, sautéed veggies,
smoothies, apple cider vinegar drinks, etc. Keep a small bottle on your table
at home and keep another with you on the go or at work so you can conveniently
take your bitters before your meals anytime. Glass dropper and/or spray bottles
are great and come in varying sizes.
- (Haritaki, Bibhitaki, Amalaki)
This is
a traditional Ayurvedic blend of 3 berries all of which help to gently tone and
strengthen the digestive tract to improve overall digestive functions. It is
beneficial for either loose stool or constipation and works by restoring
balance to the digestive organs. It supports healthy detoxification and
elimination of toxins and can help with weight management. It is recommended to
take anywhere from 1 to 6 grams of the powder blend in hot water, preferably on
an empty stomach, before bed. You can start with 1 tsp and slowly increase the
dose by ¼-½ tsp increments as long as stools are still firm. If you have loose
stools after increasing your dose, then scale back until stool is firm again
and that is your appropriate dose.
tablespoons ground coriander seeds
tablespoons ground cumin seeds
tablespoon ground turmeric
teaspoons ground ginger, fenugreek seeds
1 1/2
teaspoons ground black pepper
teaspoon ground cinnamon,
teaspoon ground cloves, cardamom, chili peppers
this curry powder for beans, grains, meats, soups, veggies, stir fries,
spreads, dips, etc...
taste comes from sautéing the powder briefly in oil or ghee before adding to
the rest of the food and/or mixing with coconut milk. You can also slowly roast
the spices before grinding them for added flavor.
Indian Kitchari
is an Indian rice and mung bean porridge that is easily digested and recommended
when digestion is funky or weak. You can use any blend of spices depending on
your taste preference and digestive needs.
1 cup
whole Mung Beans
tbsp Ghee
1 tsp-1
tbsp Salt (to taste)
1 tbsp
cumin seeds, minced fresh ginger root
1 tsp
turmeric powder, fennel powder, coriander powder
½ tsp
cardamom powder, mustard seeds
¼ tsp
cinnamon powder
1 very
small pinch of asafetida
with lemon, yogurt and cilantro
beans and rice overnight or throughout the day in water. Drain and rinse off.
Place beans and rice in a large saucepan with 7 cups water and/or broth and
bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook for approximately 45min-1hr, or
until beans are soft). Add more water or broth as needed. While simmering,
sauté ghee and spices in a skillet, roasting them until they smell very
aromatic, about 1 minute. Pour the spiced ghee over the porridge and continue
simmering until done. Mix in salt to taste, garnish and enjoy.
or Takara is a diluted yogurt drink that can be a great way for taking herbs.
It is gentle, easily digested and a high probiotic snack for in between meals.
Mix 1
part yogurt or kefir to 4 parts water. Add a small amount of digestive spices
to taste such as ginger, cardamom, all spice, cinnamon, nutmeg, fennel, etc.
The probiotics from the yogurt benefit and restore digestion and the herbs
provide an overall digestive tonic to help relieve general digestive symptoms such
as gas, bloating, indigestion, etc. Add a little sweetener like honey or maple
syrup, if desired.
a comment below and let me know what you think about this post or any of the
recipes. What are your favorite
digestive herbs and spices? What are
some of the ways you support your digestion?
Scientific America - "Think Twice: How the Gut's "Second Brain"
Influences Mood and Well-Being"
by Adam
Hadhazy; February 12, 2010
(2) Live Science - "15 Fun Facts about the
Digestive System"; Copyright 2016
Candice Brunlinger, Herbalist
article was featured in Humboldt Herbals' monthly newsletter for October 2016.
Click here to subscribe.
the Author:
Brunlinger has been studying and practicing herbal healing since 2004. She
enjoys making herbal medicine, developing connections with plants, cooking,
growing herbs, gardening, wild crafting, teaching workshops and classes,
practicing Tai Chi and Qi Gong and being an “herbal mama”. She teaches for the
Northwest School of Botanical Studies, is an Herbalist at Humboldt Herbals and
has an herbal product line, Herbal Infusions. You can visit her Nourishing
Herbs blog or become a member of her facebook group Herbal Living.
a comment below and let me know what you think about this post or any of the
recipes. What are your favorite
digestive herbs and spices? What are
some of the ways you support your digestion?
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